Build A Presentation Muscle podcast

Find your voice, share your message
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Hi, I’m John Lacey, and in Build A Presentation Muscle, I want to talk about:

  • finding your voice
  • refining and sharing your message
  • using tools and technology to share that message
  • and looking after yourself as a creator

Build A Presentation Muscle podcast episodes

We all start somewhere

We all start somewhere

We all start somewhere, and it can be painful to be a beginner, personal growth can be very (ahem) "character building." And I don't tell you this to scare you. In fact I tell you this to reassure you. No matter how you feel about where you are right now, if you apply...

Looking for signs of life in your content creation

Looking for signs of life in your content creation

So-called "vanity" metrics I see a lot of people refer to the idea of "vanity metrics." And while it's true that some statistics may be more meaningful than others, I think —especially for beginner content creators— we need to acknowledge all the wins and not just the...

The hardest part of content creation

The hardest part of content creation

This one's going to be a bit of a car crash, so please fasten your seatbelt securely. Hi, I'm John Lacey and this is Build A Presentation Muscle, the podcast about showcasing your expertise through content creation. Something's different My co-host seemed a little...

Do you have to be on video?

Do you have to be on video?

I saw a tweet during the week where someone was lamenting feeling like they should be on video, but not having "the skin" to do it yet. So I wanted to talk about that. Hi, I'm John Lacey, and this is Build A Presentation Muscle, the podcast about showcasing your...

What should I talk about?

What should I talk about?

When you first realise you want to showcase your expertise through content creation, you may wonder, "What should I talk about?" And it might seem like a daunting challenge at first, but I want to explore some starting points here today. Hi, I'm John Lacey and this is...

Content Libraries and Repeating Yourself

Content Libraries and Repeating Yourself

Content creators can be really self-conscious about repeating themselves. They'll say things like, "But I told people about this back in February 2018. I can't post it again." You can —and should— repeat yourself. But even more than that, you need to work smarter. And...

Content Creation Workflows: Constraints

Content Creation Workflows: Constraints

Back in episode 12, I spoke about how your message transcends any one medium or format. And I still think this is true. I don't want you silo yourself away in one medium or channel when your audience could be larger. But there's another truth I think we need to unpack...

Generative AI is gross

Generative AI is gross

Generative AI is gross to me. I have a visceral reaction to it. It makes my skin crawl. It causes my blood pressure to rise. Hi, I'm John Lacey and this is Build A Presentation Muscle. Using it for cynical purposes Some days I wish I could "agree to disagree" about...

Trends: Follow them or buck them?

Trends: Follow them or buck them?

When it comes to trends, do you follow them or do you buck them? And yes, I said 'buck' with a b, no explicit language for this podcast thank you very much. This is a subject we'll talk about it in more detail over on The Video and Livestreaming Show later in the...

Getting out of a rut

Getting out of a rut

You no doubt hear a lot about the importance of "consistency" when it comes content creation. And broadly speaking I think this is true. But there's a good chance you're much more intimately familiar with your own content than anyone in your audience. Building habits...

Your message matters more

Your message matters more

Build a presentation muscle Hi, I'm John Lacey and this is Build A Presentation Muscle. I want to talk you about that title —Build A Presentation Muscle— because some people have told me that it's kind of confusing. They don't know what it means. And some people have...

Signpost Your Content With Text

Signpost Your Content With Text

Do you signpost your content? Does your content leave clues? Can people find it? Can they search for it? Hi, I'm John Lacey and this is Build A Presentation Muscle. Signpost your content I think the average person doesn't appreciate how true it is that you need to...

Pulling at Threads

Pulling at Threads

It's been a wild couple of weeks in the world of social media, and it's probably too soon to understand what it all means, but I want to pull at a few threads. Hi, I'm John Lacey, and this is Build A Presentation Muscle. The beginning of the end? Twitter is… Honestly...

You’re Not For Everyone

You’re Not For Everyone

You're not for everyone. And that's okay. Hi, I'm John Lacey and this is Build A Presentation Muscle. I don't know about you, but I like spicy food. I recently order a bunch of my favourites —Sambal Olek, Preserved Chilli and Garlic, and a few different varieties of...

Microphones: types and connections

Microphones: types and connections

So much of this show is about capturing your voice in a figurative sense. It's about exploring who you are and what you need to express and refining your message. But I thought it might be useful to talk about capturing your voice in a literal sense through the wonder...

The show must be go on

The show must be go on

Last week was a weird week for me. I had taken time off from my day job to record podcast interviews. I was really hoping to get at least three recorded, maybe four. For various reasons only one happened and if you've subscribed to this podcast you may have already...

Camera fear, collaboration and community with Michelle J. Raymond

Camera fear, collaboration and community with Michelle J. Raymond

Note: A few things have changed since this episode was recorded. Michelle has rebranded her company and is now B2B Growth Co. Her podcast is now the Social Media for B2B Growth podcast. John: Hi, I'm John Lacey and this is Build a Presentation Muscle. Today I'm...

Evaluating advice from other people

Evaluating advice from other people

I don't know about you, but I listen to an obscene number of podcasts. And I don't listen to comedians or works of fiction, I listen to podcasts about the things I'm interested in doing — content creation, YouTube, audio, video and the like. And the unintended...

If something is worth saying…

If something is worth saying…

If something is worth saying, it's worth repeating. Content Creators can be super self-conscious about repeating themselves. But the truth is your audience actually needs you to repeat your most important points. Hi, I'm John Lacey, and this is Build A Presentation...

Self-acceptance for content creators

Self-acceptance for content creators

As a content creator, you will get to see and hear yourself in ways you likely have never done before. This can be confronting. Any anxiety you have about how you look or sound can be immediately amplified, and if you're in a situation where you're editing your own...

Philosophical differences of content types

Philosophical differences of content types

The Power and Possibility of Content I was interviewed by Tanya Smith on Stream Like A Boss TV recently and she asked why I chose livestreaming over other options, like a podcast, for example. Well, spoiler alert: Even then I knew I had a podcast in me and it was...

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